5 Lab Safety Tips That You Must Consider
5 Lab Safety Tips That You Must Consider
Workplace safety is one of the crucial factors for everyone to consider. A minor mistake can lead to major loss of health or damage to property, especially when dealing with chemicals.
If you are a pro or just bought a biomedical lab space to operate it, safety measures are key components to consider as a priority. Don’t know how to maintain safety? If yes, here are a few simple tips that you can consider in this blog:
Wear Your Safety Gear
Before you enter the lab, ensure that you put on a lab coat. Encourage your team to wear gear prior to entering the lab. Depending on the medical work you are handling in your lab, ensure that your team is abiding by the safety procedures and guidelines.
You can educate your team about the safety rules and how to wear gear properly. Help your team to prevent common mistakes that can jeopardize safety.
Keep The Lab Cleaned
The next factor that you should consider to maintain safety is keeping the lab tidy. Otherwise, it can be hazardous to your process and impact your results. Use the right and safe chemicals to clean the lab and keep the clutter away.
If you are dealing with highly inflammable chemicals, ensure you keep them organized and packed in cabinets safely. Don’t leave any chemicals on the floor or countertop.
If anything breaks down during the process, like glassware, set a designed container to throw it away for safety.
Know Your Lab Safety Symbols
To keep your work area safe and secure, ensure you use 2 types of hazard symbols. One is GHS hazard symbols, and the other is the fire diamond. The GHS symbols come with meanings that make them easier to read and understand.
The fire diamond symbols show the danger associated with materials used in the lab. Ensure you incorporate these symbols in your lab and train your team to understand them well.
Know Your Safety Equipment
It is crucial for you to install all the safety equipment that is needed in your lab. From fire blankets to first aid kits and other important safety tools to ensure you cater to unexpected emergency situations well.
Other than installing the safety equipment, get hands-on training to learn how you can fully utilize it without causing any injury to a person. Keep them tested and maintained as well. You can also make a routine of checking all the equipment before leaving the lab. This way, you can ensure that it is safe to work again.
Keep the food away from the work area to prevent intoxication.
Move Chemicals Safely
It can be hazardous to move chemicals around the lab while maintaining safety. If you have a double-story lab, using the stairs can be risky as it can be associated with breaking any glass item and causing health problems. Instead, you can consider getting a chair lift system installation in your workplace to move things safely from one story to another.
It is crucial for you to install all the safety equipment that is needed in your lab. From fire blankets to first aid kits and other important safety tools to ensure you cater to unexpected emergency situations well.
Other than installing the safety equipment, get hands-on training to learn how you can fully utilize it without causing any injury to a person. Keep them tested and maintained as well. You can also make a routine of checking all the equipment before leaving the lab. This way, you can ensure that it is safe to work again. It can be hazardous to move chemicals around th